Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2

So the first night was rough! It's hard to sleep in a chair when you haven't had a shower, monitors keep beeping and the lights are on. Then you every half hour to an hour nurses, doctors, and people with all kinds of initials come in to check on her. Don't get me wrong we were glad they were checking, just hard to get some sleep during all of this.

Well, this morning was a little better. Kaylie was able to eat her fruit cup for breakfast. She still doesn't drink a whole lot, so they still have hooked up to the IV. She is depressed and has been saying that things are scary and that she wants the "head thing" to come off. I am sure that it is still the anesthesia but hopefully this will go away. Please pray for her she really needs the prayer.

We got to go to our room on the 4th floor around 12:00PM, which made us all very happy. Still nothing to eat for lunch, but the doctors have said this is normal. We try and feed her and she wants nothing to do with it. Don't know if she is in pain or not, she has had some pain medcation through her IV a couple of times today. We sit and watch Dora and Signing Time, so thankful for this time savers, it helps in a small way.

This afternoon Kaylie's face has started to swell pretty good. It is tough to see. It is so difficult to see your child in this situation. I feel so helpless and want to do something but can't. Once again we talked with doctor and has assured us this is all part of what happens after surgery.

Thanks to all who are praying and concerned! Here are a few prayer requests: 1) The pain and swelling will go away. 2) For Kaylie not to be scared. 3) For Kaylie to have seizures. I know this sounds weird, but we need siezures so we can proceed with the next surgery. 4) Kaylie may be constipated and needs prayer for this situation. 5) For patience and understanding as parents to understand what she wants and is trying to tell us.

The Lord has been so good to us. So thankful for all the prayers, they have helped us get through these first two days.


  1. We will continue to pray for sweet Kaylie and these specific requests (and for things to progress quickly). All 5 Samsons are in our prayers!

  2. Glad to hear that things are on task. But, I am praying for her to NOT have seizures! God is in control and I am believing that the procedures that have been performed are enough! I am praying for her not to be scared, as I can't imagine. Praying for the meds not to cause constipation and are praying for you and Leigh Ann. I can't imagine the stress you both are under...God has your back!! And, the prayers of all shelter you!

  3. Love and prayers for all of you! Thank you for letting us know how to pray specifically!

  4. Praying for all of you. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Hope knowing that your Trinity family is holding you up in prayer will help. (Tanek's Nana)
