Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good news!

Late last night Kaylie started having seizures! She had quite a few in a short amount of time, and one was several minutes long so they had to give her something by IV to stop them. Then she couldn't go back to sleep and has been awake until just about an hour ago. She had a really rough morning: between three doses of the anti-convulsant and a couple of doses of Morphine and vomiting, she was having a really hard time settling down. It's definitely been the hardest day on her so far.

Day 10 has taken its toll on me and LeAnne as well. It's hard to stay upbeat for so long, especially when there is nothing within your power to help your child feel better. But God is good and He sent the doctor in to give us some good news! He sees a pattern forming in all the seizure activity recorded so far and they are localized to one area! He plans to do the brain mapping tomorrow morning to locate her motor strip and we could possibly go to surgery tomorrow afternoon or Friday morning.

We have made it this far only by your prayers and God's strength! Please continue to pray as we start to wrap things up: 1) for Dr. Carney, for wisdom in deciding where the epileptic area is and how much to remove 2) for Dr. Pincus, the surgeon, to have a steady hand and sure eye 3) for Kaylie's recovery and that God will allow this to be a 100% cure for her epilepsy.


  1. Praying, praying and praying! Hang in there! Love you guys!

  2. We've been urgently praying all day, pleading that God's will is for Kaylie to have a successful surgery with a swift recovery, and that those seizures will be her last. We planned to come by today, but thought it might be a bad time due to the imminent surgery; will try again next week. Hugs to you all from our family.
