What an eventful day!
The day started with us waking to Kaylie having both eyes swollen shut. She still has not eaten or drunk anything since those few crackers yesterday. Kaylie is not saying a whole lot except for the time when she asked LeAnne " to take it off" when referring to her head wrap.
Just before lunch we were concerned how Kaylie seemed to be getting worse. The dr ordered another scan to see if anything had changed. They also took a few samples of blood to check out. All this began to LeAnne and I to worry.
Shortly after we got back Dr. Lee and his team came by to give us the result. We had some good news. Dr. Lee said the amount of blood in the cavity is much smaller than last night. It looks much better and there's no shifting or pressure. Blood work is fine too. They are going to start her on steroids for two days to help her perk up, reduce swelling, and help the blood spot go away. They didn't do it earlier because steroids stop seizure activity, but at this point we are more than willing to wait a few extra days to help her feel better.
It is hard to see my little girl who is usually singing and dancing through the house, just laying in bed and nothing I can do to help her. I started reading and there were several passages that were a source of encouragement: Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself ...Psalms 37:7 and I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Psalms 40:1
Praying for your family! Ryan and Stacy