Monday, September 16, 2013

Manicures and McDonalds

Kaylie had a fun day in her room today, nothing  really new from doctors. She did have a few seizures today, even though she is back on her meds. 

Ronald Macdonald  came to see Kaylie today! She didn't know what to think of him! 

Kaylie also had fun getting manicure from her therapist today.

Because Kaylie was her last for the day, she let Kaylie pair her nails! Needless to say Kaylie needs a lot of practice!

So thankful for all those that come in and help take your mind off of what you are going through!

While all this was going on I went up to Keystone Heights to surprise Paul and Megan and take them out of school early.  They were surprised and glad at the same time. Took them to Elliano's in Starke for a coffee shake drink. 

Next we went to Walmart to grab a few things and let them pick out something fun! We finished off our time with some Chinese food. So glad I was able to go up there and spend some time with them!

Continue to pray! Kaylie goes for surgery at 8am tomorrow morning to disconnect the right side of the brain from the left side. This will give them more information  to help them figure out what kind of surgery they will do next. This procedure should take about two hours.

Romans 11:33-36 has been a passage of scripture that has been on my mind all day! Encourage you to read this passage.

Thank you for your prayers!

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