Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Investing in children

I have a special privilege of leading a Bible bunch program for Brooker Elementary School every Wednesday at 7:10am.  During this time, I get to share from God's Word that Jesus loves them and has a special plan for their lives. Currently  we have about 30 (3rd-5th grade) students who attend.  This is a great number considering, there is a total of 50 students in those grades in the school.

As part of this program we put together a trip, as part of an incentive for attending each week of the Bible Bunch.  Brooker Elementary School Principal, Mrs. Deborah Parmenter, contacted "In His Wakes" for us to attend one of their "Day to Remember" events.  We had 25 students sign-up and this past Monday we took them to Lake Swan in Melrose, FL.

We got our instructions from Nate and how they all needed to "GET OFF THE DOCK!" They were taught how to "get off the dock" and try and learn something they had never done before. More importantly they were taught they needed to "get off the dock" with Jesus Christ. To have a personal relationship with Him and that with His help they could do anything in life!

It was such a joy to see all of the students swimming, tubing, skiing, trying the Zup board, and many more fun events!  I am truly grateful for the opportunity that I have to invest in the lives of students in my community. My prayer is that I will see many of these children come to Christ and then grow in their relationship with Him, but to then see their entire families reached with the Gospel.  Reminded of Matthew 19:14 where Jesus says "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven."  May we all invest our lives into children in our communities!

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