Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Prayer Requests!

As we face the 12-16 hour surgery tomorrow, weeks of rehab, and months of therapy, we ask you to join in praying boldly for:
1) the operation to be without complication
2) Kaylie to recover quickly
3) there not be any need for a shunt
4) God to amaze the doctors by giving Kaylie the strength that only comes from Him.
5) Most importantly, for God to receive all the honor and glory for whatever happens!


  1. Praying for everyone involved in tomorrow's surgery. Praying for God's presence to inhabit that operating room and for His loving arms to surround Kaylie and the family as you wait for God's miracle.

  2. Dear Lord, please be with Kaylie today Lord, guide the doctors to perform this surgery and the knowledge they need for success. Heavenly Father, please be with Bro Paul, Leanne and the entire family. Hold them in your loving arms Lord, for your strength is what they will lean on and hold on to, for only You Lord knows the outcome and what lies ahead. Thank you Lord for your Love and for giving us the Faith to help us deal with the obstacles life gives us. May your name be glorified, in Jesus name, Amen
