Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brooks Rehab Hospital

Praise the Lord, Kaylie has made it to rehab! The took her by non emergency transport on Monday afternoon. LeAnne will be staying with Kaylie 24/7 during her stay there at Brooks Rehab.

Today she met all of her therapists and was evaluated. They are wanting to see what her base line is and then determine the plan of action. LeAnne will get a report either tomorrow or Thursday on how long they think she will need to be there. Nothing is set in stone and is all dependent on how well or bad she does each week. LeAnne will get that report every week.

Please continue to pray that Kaylie will get stronger on her left side and that she will be able to walk soon. Pray that she does well with the therapist.

We appreciate your continued prayers for our entire family during this time!

Thank you for praying! We thank The Lord for how He has worked in Kaylie's life! 

He are a few pics of her at rehab:

Now a few pics with her cousin who was excited to see her!

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