Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 17- Kaylie's head drain is out!

The surgeon came in today to check on how Kaylie was doing, and said she looks really good. He told us that they would be taking her head drain out later today , and that we could home this afternoon or tomorrow if we wanted. He left it totaly up to us and what we were comfortable with. 3 things were what he wanted: 1) Be able to drink. 2) Take medication orally. 3) Be able to get around pretty well on her own. She is doing well on the first 2, praise the Lord.

We also had PT come in again today to work with Kaylie. We walked her to the window, where she colored on it and put stickers! She is really coming along well.They were excited to see her move so good.  We know it's because we have so many people praying for her! Thank you, thank you!

Kaylie enjoyed some chicken mcnuggets from McDonalds that her Opa(my dad) brought her. She ate them all and a few french fries. Also enjoyed  having Paul and Megan up for a few hours. She is just doing well and so excited to see her sit with them, in fact she asked to sit next to Paul on the chair by her bed.

Once again thanks for praying!


  1. So very happy for all of you Paul & LeAnne. Praying for you still. Glad to hear that all is going so well! Blessings, Mal, Lisa and Sutherlyn

  2. She looks FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Praise God for the great healing. :)

